Gun Milan - Assessing Compatibility for Marriage

Free Gun Milan (Kundli Matching) or Free Horoscope Matching Report

Gun Milan or Kundli mlilan is a ancient practice in Vedic astrology system for the purpose of marriage. In this process the horoscopes of probable bride and groom are matched which is called gun Milan. This is based on the eight gunas and each Guna is having a certain number. The happiness, understanding, sexual aspect, temperament etc. can be calculated by gun Milan or kundli milan.

The eight gunas that are matched are :-

  • Varan
  • Vasya
  • Tara
  • Yoni
  • Grah Maitri
  • Gan
  • Bhakoot
  • Nadi

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Each of the above has its own significance and have their own number of points. These all add up to 36.

According to traditional astrology if there are less than 18 gun between the bride and the groom, then it is not considered a good match and there will be difficulty in maintaining the harmony. If guns are between 18 to 24 then the marriage can be considered. However, there will be time to time small bickering. The number of guna in between 25 to 36 are considered to be a good match. We are providing you a free tool to match the astrological charts of boy and a girl for the purpose of marriage through traditional method of Kundli Milan (Gun Milan).

1. Kundali Milan (Horoscope Matching) is a unique and ancient 8-fold Vedic test of horoscope matching between a man and woman's charts for marriage. The Natal Charts of the man and the woman are drawn and comparatively tested for compatibility in eight different ways. Each test has a score. While the maximum points that can be achieved under each test are different, the full 8-fold test can yield a maximum score of 36 points which judges how compatible you two are by seeing the zodiac signs and horoscopes . A score of 16 is deemed to be the minimum for a reasonable match. Marriages are not recommended for a result below 18
2. Another very important aspect of Marriage Compatibility is Manglik Match (Mars Consideration). Which is very important for success of married life and well being of both male and Female partner.

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